Friday, October 1, 2010

Best Book I've Ever Read

I'm don't know if this is the best book I've ever read because it is or if it is because it's contents are those that I've needed to so desperately.  I loved every moment of this book.  It made me smile, it made me cry, it humbled me, it made me feel good, and it gave me so much perspective on my role as a mother.

This book is all about being proud to stand up and say "I am a mother".  It reminds us how important our roles as mothers are, not only in our families lives, but in society.  I especially loved how it reminded us that we need to view the role as a mother as something worthy and important - and how me need to teaching others to believe and show that too.   It talks about how we are in a partnership with God to raise and nurture the generations coming forth.  It talks about how sometimes it is hard but also how we can do it.  It talks about how me need to step into other women's and mother's shoes - how we need to stop judging and start loving the women around us.  It also talks about how every woman, not just mothers, have a role in "mothering" others.

I've been so grateful for this book.  I know what I'm doing as a mother is God's work and I am meant to do it.  I'm so glad to be reminded that He is there urging me on, helping me.  I'm also very grateful to have read it at this particular time in my life - I really did need it. 

P.S.  This is written by a LDS (aka Mormon) author, so there are a lot of principles/doctrine from our church in it - just in case you're wondering

Thanks to my friend, Melissa, for letting me borrow it.  I'm going to buy my own copy. 

1 comment:

  1. No problem! Glad that you could enjoy it too! I really like the inspiration I got from reading the book, too.
