Wednesday, November 2, 2011

You CAN Dew It!

Leon and I went out to the store today to get Kyle some "study" food for tomorrow.  He is taking the day off of work so that he can study all day for his next big actuarial exam that is taking place THIS Friday.  I know that he likes to have some snacks when he studies and I thought it might be a good way to keep him motivated throughout the day.  These exams are a big deal and they're pretty crazy hard.  I don't think anyone can really grasp how terrible they are unless they are taking them or if your a spouse of someone who is taking them.  I try to explain to people what it's like, but no one seems to really understand unless they've been there.  It's recommended that for every hour of exam you take that you should study for 100 hours.  So, a 6 hour exam should require 600 hours of studying in preperation.  Yeah.  600 hours!  Kyle spends alot of his free time studying for these exams.  He's been gone alot.  However, there is good news!  This is his second to last exam.  If he passes this one, then he only has one more!  Hooray! 

If you could please say a little prayer for Kyle, I would appreciate it so much.  It's been hard the last couple of months.  I don't want all his hard work to go to waste.  Also, pray that this baby doesn't decide to come tomorrow or Friday.  That would just be terrible.  I'd be having a baby all by myself ;)


  1. We will keep him in our prayers! What a sweet wife you are. :)

  2. I hope everything went well for Kyle! I am getting excited for you and your baby, just a few more days!
