Friday, June 1, 2012


(my Grady, "helping" me prepare dinner)

Trying to prepare dinner, or fold laundry, or shower, or...just about everything is a challenge these days.  I'm a mother of a 3 year old and a 6 month old.  I'm not complaning about it - it's just a fact of life for me right now.  It stinks sometimes, but every moment - even the hards ones - are worth it.  I couldn't be more grateful to be a mother.  It's changed me for the better.  It's made me more patient and loving, more understanding, and has brought me closer to God.  I still feel like I'm doing everything wrong.   I'm always second guessing myself, but I know my role as a mother is the right thing.

I feel completely blessed that God has graciously given me this family that I don't deserve.

I love this post from one of my favorite photographers on her personal blog.  It describles exactly how I feel about being a mother. I love this line:  "Motherhood – for me anyway – is just as much about personal growth and self-discovery as it is about nurturing others."  That is what motherhood has been like for me too.

p.s.  this was the May theme for my 12 or 2012 photography challenge.  there's nothing fancy about it - nothing artsy at all about it, but it's a perfect example of how things are for me right now.

p.p.s.  I blogged!!!  It's been two months - way too long.  I'm ready to be good about it again.  I've got so much to catch up on.

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