Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bubble Baths are Always the Best

Some little pointers for any of you ever wanting to do some bath time pictures:
  • Make sure you get AS MUCH natural light as possible OR learn about white balance.  Bathrooms are known for their terrible florescent lighting which can make everything very yellowy and therefore unpleasing.  I'm lucky enough to have a great big window over our garden tub in our master bathroom where I did these pictures.  And please, oh please, turn off your flash!
  • Use lots of bubbles.  I had just enough before I ran out.  You need to hide all those private areas, especially if you plan on posting or publishing ANY online.  Seriously - if it shows those private areas, then it can be considered child pornography even if that isn't your intention at all!
  • Have fun and let your kid be a kid.  The best pictures come from when they are just enjoying themselves.  I did make suggestions to Leon like "put the bubbles on your face" and "can you go swimming"  and "no please DON'T get me" because of course I knew he would think it was SO funny if he did.  I laughed and squealed at every little thing he did and that's how I got so many good pictures of a little smiley boy looking right into the camera.
  • Usually bath time pictures always look good in black and white, so give it a try.  It can also be a good cure if your pictures do have a yellow cast to them.

1 comment:

  1. These are so adorable! Love them! I wish I had a big garden tub with a big window next to it. The lighting in our bathrooms stink AND there is hardly any room to stand in them. Definitely something to consider in our next house!
