Friday, October 14, 2011

4 Weeks

(35 weeks)

I have a whopping 4 weeks left until I deliver.  The end of this pregnancy has been well...pretty miserable.  I'm finally starting to feel a bit better.  I feel like I can make a few more weeks.  About 5 weeks ago, I was measuring 6 weeks bigger than what I should.  Luckily it was nothing, but can you imagine what it felt like to be SO big SO early?  Yep.  You should see my stretch marks.  However, I'm catching up to my measurements which is good because it means that I'm not getting any bigger - at least, for now I'm not.  I've been having contractions for the last 2 months.  I can't fit into most of my clothing, including maternity clothing.  I think I have about 6 shirts that fit (which are starting to get a little small), 2 pairs of jeans and 5 pairs of sweats that fit out of my entire wardrobe.  Thank goodness for those sweats.  I wake up with swollen feet and hands.  What I'd do for a good pedicure and foot massage.  I've had no energy - you should see my house.  Things are getting better.  I'm finishing up the baby's room and starting to get a little more obessed with things getting done in the house.  My arms are wide open to that nesting instinct.  It can come whenever it pleases and stay for as long as it likes.

What has made it worse is that up until about 2 weeks ago, I was having irrational fear of having another baby.  I kept thinking "what if I don't want to hold the baby" or "how on earth am I going to take care of Leon and a baby" or "what if the baby blues are way worse this time - they were pretty bad with Leon"  or "can I really do this again?" and many others which, of course, I can't remember.  Thankfully, I've gotten way over that.  I can't wait to meet this little baby boy.  I can't wait to kiss him and hold him.  For heaven sakes - I even can't wait to nurse the kid ;)  I can't wait for Leon to be a big brother - to see his reaction to this baby.  I know everything will be okay.  I know I'll love this baby.  I'm so excited to have another little person in our family. 

So 4 weeks.  I can totally do another 4 weeks.  Let's just hope this kiddo can too.


  1. I love these shots. Here's hoping the last weeks go by quickly. :) If I were closer, I would come and help clean your house. I know you'll do great - even though you have more kids, it seems to get a little bit easier b/c you know better what to expect and how you react to things. You know better what you can let go and what you feel should be more structured. I'm sure Leon will love being a big brother!

  2. Hang in there! These miserable days really will be over before you know it! And you look adorable!

  3. You're beautiful Kelly! I'm sad I haven't been able to watch your tummy grow, but it's fun to see in pictures. :) Good thing you can get away with wearing the same clothes over and over when you're prego! Sometimes I wish I could get away with it now. :) I'm glad you're starting to feel better about the baby coming! I agree with the Kris, I found taking care of Alice a lot easier just because I'd done it once before. You'll be great!
