Saturday, December 31, 2011

a new year

It's crazy how fast the last year went by.  In last years "resolution post", I had wrote about how it was going to be a big year for us. Man oh man, how right I was and that was before I even knew we were going to have to move uxepectedly.  It's been a year of many, many changes but it's also been wonderful. 
We learned a lot.  Our family grew. 
We grew stronger as a family. 
We're happy and that's what is important.

However, there is still much, much more to improve on a family level and a individual level.  Our family goals for the year will be talked over and decided at our next Family Home Evening.  This year I have plans of posting them somewhere we can see them every day and be reminded of what we need to be working on.

Last years post, I had goals of setting up an esty shop for my artwork, revamping my portrait photography, not loading so much on my plate that I'd always be overwhelmed, being a better mom and wife, planning a vacation, reading the Book of Mormon again, and working on the budget.  Unfortunely I didn't do most of those things.  Most of those things got put on hold or totally thrown out the window due to our move.  However, I think I definetly have become a better mother.  The wife thing could use some more work.  I did revamp my portrait style to where I wanted it.  And, It think I have been much better about the whole getting overwhelmed thing. 

But what about this year? 
Well.  Three words:
Organizing. Simplifying. Healthifying. (???)
But more specifically,

My 2012 "things I need to work on" are:
get the house organized, make it functional for us.
simplify my life.
be more active/exercise
budget and stick to it.
eat out less, cook more.
spend my time more wisely.
make personal prayer a priority.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I have lots of things going through my head as resolutions, but I never like to say they are "resolutions" because I know I will never accomplish all of them. Is that a bad attitude? :)
