Friday, April 29, 2011

Some Special News

We have some special news:

Need a hint?  Read Leon's shirt!


  1. Yeay! I am so excited for you! When is your due date?

  2. congratulations!!! I hope you are feeling ok... you have enough stress right now!

  3. wooo hooo!!!! Go Kelly and Kyle!!! So awsome! We are very happy for you guys, such a cute little family!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  4. Yay! Word of advice: Be sure to get in with a doctor RIGHT away once you get to KY! From what I've heard talking to some of the other women in the area here, it can be difficult to get in once you're already pregnant. I know it was difficult for me because I was already 35 weeks when we moved, but still! If you do have problems with any of the other places, you could try the place I ended up: St Elizabeth Physicians for Women. Congratulations!! Leon's going to be a great big brother! Our little ones will be 6 months apart again, but I get to go first this time! haha!

  5. How fun! We are due around the same time :) Good luck with your move and everything... I hope you are feeling well. Let me know if you need anything!

  6. CONGRATS!!!! How did you keep that in when i saw you last weekend?? Good luck with the move and everything! You are awesome! -Melissa Tate

  7. Soooo excited!!! Congrats you three!

  8. Congratulations!! That is so fun! I am sure Leon will be a sweet big brother :)
