Sunday, March 6, 2011

Moving update

Well, haven't I just been the worst blogger?  I remember when I used to blog 3 or 4 times a week and now I'm lucky if I do it once a week!  I guess my life has just gotten a little boring...or maybe I'm just realized that not everybody wants or needs to know about every little thought and/or detail of life.  Anways, here are some details about our upcoming move that some may want to know more about.

1) Getting a house ready to sell really, really, really sucks!  Especially when you really don't have any true desire to sell it.  I like my little house.  I've put a lot of love into this little house.  However, I will say it is looking rather beautiful with all the little things we've been doing to get it ready to go on the market.  We've been cleaning and organizing all weekend and will continue doing so for the next two days until it's perfect for the realtor's camera.  And then we'll have to keep it clean and beautiful for what I'm sure will feel like forever - aka until it sells.

2) We're going to get to buy a house!!!  I'm so excited about not having to rent and to be able to move into a house.  I'm so excited about house hunting.  I will say that even though I love this little house it DEFINTELY has it's flaws.  We've learned so much by this house being our first house - we know what will be important to us for the next house.  We're going in a few weeks to search the northern Kentucky side of Cincinnati which I think it'll be a perfect place for us to live.  It's all little more rural then other parts of Cincinnati and it's still close enough to downtown where Kyle will be working and still has all the conviences of the city too.

3) Have I mentioned that there is an Ikea in Cincinnati?  Or that the closet temple is only 1 hour away?   Or that they supposedly have one the best Zoo's in the US or that they have this awesome aquarium.  As much as I think it'll be hard for me to adjust to not knowing where just about everything like I do here, there will be so much to explore.  Our days and weekends will never be dull with all these new explorations!

4) As much as I'd love to stay here for the rest of my life, I am getting so excited for this next chapter in our life.  I think I'm past that utter state of shock (although, I'm sure there are still a few meltdowns still to come).  I know that the Lord has something in store for us.  I'm not so sure what'll it be, but I have faith that it'll be wonderful for us.

Thanks for reading - I'm sure I've lost some of you over the time I haven't been a very good blogger.  Hopefully the next post will include photos of our sweet little house - I've been promising them for quite a while.


  1. Kelly, you guys are going to do fantastic! Moving is such a fun adventure. Some people aren't to keen on it, but it's always been a fun adventure for us. I wish you the best of luck in Cincinnati. How very fun!

  2. So excited for you guys! And praying for a smooth transition and continued peace about it all!! Yay for change and adventure :)

  3. You said the magic word: Kentucky! I love Kentucky! We really tried to find a job for Chris there but couldn't manage it. I will just live vicariously through you!

  4. From what I've seen of Cincinnati, I love it. I hope you find the perfect place there!
