Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First visit to Cincinnati

The company bused us over to Cincinnati to wine and dine us last weekend.  It was my first trip to Cincinnati.  They put us up in a fancy hotel, we had a fancy dinner where we met Kyle's potential boss, took us on a bus tour (where I pointed out every floral and jewelry shop close to Kyle's work), and then we got to go out with a realtor to scout potential places to live and/or houses to buy.  Over all it was a good weekend.  It was our first night without Leon.  I was so antsy to get back to him the following day.  I will say I'm getting overwhelmed with all the new things and how real this is all becoming.  There are so many things to do and so many decisions to be made.  We're working through them.  I'm so glad I have Kyle to keep me from going crazy.  This is a big change for us.

My babe and I in our hotel room getting ready for our fancy dinner (it was soooo good).

Our view from our room was over the Fountain Square which is a main point in downtown.

Our room:

The Square at night.  It was pretty cool.

There's some pretty cool things in Cincinnati.  Discovering a little bit of it made me feel a little better.  I know now that I could live there...if I have too.

All right, I'm off to go paint...and then paint some more...and then paint some more. 


  1. Hey Kelly, what camera settings did you use to get those night shots? I'm learning how to use the manual functions on my camera, and night shots like those are my favorite, but I'm not so good at catching them yet!

  2. This was with my little point and shoot camera (that's why they're not that great) so everything was pretty much set on auto. However I did put it on a high ISO. It's always good to turn your ISO up high to about 1000 or higher for low lighting photos - it helps the shutter speed take the shot quicker which eliminates camera shake and blurriness. I also have my flash off because I hate using a flash - it just washes everything out.

  3. Thanks! I've never messed with ISO, so I'll give that a shot. I hear you on flash. I don't think I've ever taken a picture with flash that I liked!

  4. Glad you got to explore Cincy a bit to see if it seems to be a good fit.
