Thursday, January 6, 2011

The part I could do without...

So last night, I encountered the part of motherhood that I'd rather do without: cleaning up someone else's vomit.  Leon started running a fever yesterday afternoon.  He wouldn't eat dinner but before bed he was hungry so I got him a snack.  Around 9:30 I had to go into get a very scared, very sick, very unconsolable little Leon.  I felt so bad for him.  After he finished throwing up all over the place, we got him changed, gave him some water, put Curious George on in our bedroom, and preceded to clean up his room.  It wasn't fun seeing my little guy so miserable and it certainly wasn't fun to clean up.

Here's after all the mayhem, watching Curious George and trying to get his fever down a bit.

Leon woke back up around 2:00, once again very scared and burning up.  I got him calmed down, gave him some tylenol, and got him ready for bed again.  But after going back to my bed, I knew there was no way I was going to sleep unless he was right beside me where I could keep an eye on him.  Leon won't sleep in our bed with us, so I ended up making a bed on his bedroom floor next to the crib.

This morning he was feeling much better.  His fever is much better.  He still isn't 100% by any means.  He actually just went down for a nap around 9:45 - he's tired and wiped out.  I'm glad though because he could use some more rest and I could use a shower.  Here is a moment when he was really feeling pretty good.

I love him to death.  I hope he starts feeling better.  Poor guy.


  1. I hope he feels better soon! I hate seeing them so sick and it's even worse having to clean up all that yucky stuff! Hopefully it is just a 24-hr bug!

  2. Poor little guy! That stomach flu is running around the nusery like wildfire- Lily had it two weeks ago. I hear ya about cleaning up puke- luckily the times Lily threw up while I was pregnant Cory was around to help, because I was gagging too!

  3. :( I hope he gets to feeling better. Brandon had it right after Christmas, and it's definitely not fun, especially for a little guy. I'm also definitely NOT looking forward to that part of motherhood...

  4. Oh, the joys of parenthood! Sick kids are not included! I remember a night spent just like that(minus the vomit, thank goodness) but about 7 months pregnant and sleeping on the floor of Ian's room. We serve who we love and love who we serve! I think that is one of the biggest lessons of motherhood! You are a great mom and I hope Leon gets up to snuff soon!
