Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Leon's been a real booger today.  Anyone want a really cool, but sometimes CRAZY 18-month old for the day?  Man, I'm already ready for a break.  I talked to Kyle on the phone - I actually asked him to come home although I knew it wasn't possible.  I feel like I've wasted so much time the last couple of days.  I'm tired and feel like doing nothing!!!  I've got photos to edit, a home decor project I'm working on, my mom's dog for 5 days, a garage sale to get ready for, and no stinkin energy to do any of it.  Oh, and I need a shower.  I haven't eaten lunch either (or breakfast really).  Well, I'm off to feel like I'm wasting time to do the things I need to do to take care of myself - showering and eating.  

Anyone else having a crabby day?  I sincerely hope it gets better.

blah. blah.


  1. Yeah, I totally have days like that. Say a little prayer and then put some good dance music on and watch your day get better! ::hugs::

  2. I hear ya, sister. Man, do I hear ya!! Hope the shower and food help you feel better-worked for me yesterday! (To bad today is a new day:)

  3. Sorry about the crappy day. You're always welcome to drop Leon off with me.

    BTW- if you are having a garage sale, I've got a couple things I'm trying to get rid of too- any interest in doing a joint sale?


  4. I have felt so lazy the last few days - probably b/c I have been ignoring my kids while I try to finish a library book. I enjoy reading, but I always feel like I'm wasting time that I could be using for cleaning, spending time with my kids, reading the scriptures or things like that. Plus if I don't shower or eat, that makes me feel even yuckier! I guess with the good comes the bad too. Hope today is better!
