Oh man, this week has been rough. Lots of things I could say about the week but I'll give you the "short", easy version:
We had an ultrasound on Monday because I was measuring 6 weeks bigger than what I actually am in this pregnancy. They wanted to make sure nothing serious was going on in there. I wasn't nervous or worried until Sunday night came and I started freaking out a bit. Thankfully it appears that everything is fine - the baby is a tad big and I just have lots of fluid, but it doesn't appear to be a problem.
Leon has been a pistol. 2.5 is hard. It's like having a moody teenager - one moment they're happy, the next they're not. I can't tell you now many times I've said "no" or "stop it". We haven't had to do many time-outs lately, but this week canceled it all out.
I got some sort of big bite or something on my inner thigh last week. I figured it would just go away in a couple of days. It didn't. It got worse - hurting and swelling and getting bigger - until I got so worried that I called the doctor. They made me go in. They ended up cutting it open and draining it. Sorry, I know that's gross. I've been hobbling around the last few days. It hurts like H.E.L.L. and I can only take tylenol. Luckily, when I went in yesterday they said it was looking really good.
Because of all of this, Kyle had barely gotten all of his study time in. His next acturial exam is the beginning of November. He's stressed about it. I'm trying to be very supportive. This week I blew it. Luckily he still loves me and understands.
I haven't cooked dinner once this week, but I'm making up for it tonight with one of our favorite meals. I'm burned out on our usual foods - anybody have any good recipe blogs they really like?
Anyway! I've put up a few new posts in the last couple of days in my attempt to catch up. Please take a look! One day I'll be better about blogging.